There’s more to Accounts Receivable than getting out the invoices. Tracking customer credit lines and past conversations means you’re in control of your receivables and your customers know it.
The GUAVASOFT Accounts Receivable module reflects your company’s internal policies and reporting practices because you design all the operating characteristics, including parameter controls, aging periods analytics and transaction codes. Your accounts receivable should represent money in the bank. Make it so.
- Maintain extensive customer profile information
- Manage payments in multiple currencies through a single interface
- Display and print complete customer information (Transaction, YTD purchases, last year’s comparisons, etc.)
- Maintain a history of conversations and commitments made to date
- Prevent unauthorized sales and minimize your exposure with the Credit Hold feature or utilize credit gating
- Sophisticated finance charges help manage the finance charge process
Account Receivable
GUAVASOFT Accounts Receivable tracks receivables, plans cash flow, and provides extensive information and reporting features to give you vital business insights to plan for the future.
The multiple features of the GUAVASOFT Accounts Receivable module allow financial accounting, use of multiple bank accounts, audit trails, the ability to add new customers and codes “on-the-fly,” automatic processing of repetitive billing, statement printing on standard or custom forms, advanced sales tax support, extensive reporting, and more.
A comprehensive module, GUAVASOFT Accounts Receivable also integrates with the General Ledger, Invoicing, Inventory Management, Bank Reconciliation and e-store.
Accounts Receivable Features
GUAVASOFT Inventory Management Software offers a progressive series of modules and many industry-specific add-ons. Our integrated inventory management, accounting, estore, customer relationships management (CRM), distribution, and manufacturing software helps you transform data into the business insights your organization needs to prosper.
The Accounts Receivable module gives you the data and reporting ability to make sound business decisions for the future, by efficiently managing cash flow today.
Payment Processing
The GUAVASOFT accounts receivable module enables you to process payments for your customers enabling your customers to pay by cash, check, credit card and even an existing credit they may have with our easy to use customer payment screen.
Check Entry – Money Back to Customer
Write “on-the-fly” checks with little effort enabling you with the abilities to pay your customers back credits due as required.
Sales Tax
GST tax schedules for multiple jurisdictions, and tax-on-tax calculations are all part of this feature.
Credit Card Processing
GUAVASOFT Software has Partnered with Synapse Gateway in order to provide you streamlined credit card processing capabilities within GUAVASOFT.
International Address Capability
Customer master files include multiple address lines to handle international numbers: country code, international postal codes, and an expanded telephone number field.
Credit Card Processing for Cash Receipts
Posting of credit card payments can be done with ease in the AR payment screen.s
From easy to use sales quotes through to sales orders to reserve stock all the way to invoicing to deplete stock GUAVASOFT Software handles all your sales needs.
Invoice History Printing
Prints history invoices for customer numbers, invoice numbers and invoice dates. Reprint Accounts Receivable, invoices separately or invoices from the drill-down screen in invoice history.
Cash Receipts Processing
Automatically applies cash receipts against the oldest invoices or against specific invoices. It enables you to post miscellaneous cash receipts directly against general ledger accounts and process any prepayments against invoices not yet recorded.
Statement Printing
Print statements for a billing cycle, for example monthly or quarterly, on standard or custom forms for all customers or for a specific customer.
Reports available include:
- Aging Reports- these can be run by customer code or business name, salesperson, department,by invoice date or due date, in summary or detail, with an “As Of” date you specify. You can predefine the number of aging periods you want to print (up to seven) and the number of days in each
- Customer Ledger
- Customer Open Item Report
- Customer Activity Detail
- Customer Statements
- GL Activity By Account Number for AR Transactions Only
- Customer Labels