Sample Supply Chain Case Study – operation | issue | how to manage

Sample Supply Chain Case Study

Many of the supply chain company will require supplier chain manager to analyze operation issues, so you need to get used to issue that happen on and off and know how to manage them.

There isn’t a right or a wrong answer to this. It’s just to give a little practice thinking about a situation that may be different than what you’re used to.

We’ll use the example of an sporting goods retailer. They have hundreds of stores spread across the world, and they also sell online. They buy some products directly from manufacturers and others from wholesalers and distributors.

It’s springtime and they’re getting ready for the launch of a new line of sunglasses.
– What are some of the things that they need to consider, and what should they do to make sure that their supply chain is able to deliver for their customers?
– How should they select their suppliers and manage those relationships?
– How should they model their supply chain?
– How much inventory should they plan to hold?
– How can they use technology to make things work better?

Take a few minutes right now and think about the role that each supply chain process will play in ensuring that this launch is successful. And think about what’ll happen if any of those processes doesn’t work the way it’s supposed to.

There are lots of ways to answer those questions, so don’t worry about whether you’re right or wrong. Instead, try to make sure that you’re thinking through the entire scenario and how all of the different elements of the supply chain need to be considered in case this happen in your operation